My understanding about that is...Let's say you have a child and you tell that child that he is not to play with matches and you tell him the reason why. That child chooses to believe you and leaves the matches alone and is safe or he chooses not to believe you and plays with the matches and has to live with the results. The child had free will to make a choice. Free choice is having different options and either making a wise choice or unwise choice. In regards to hell...God did not create hell for humans. Humans go there because they prefer to live their lives without a relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ. I don't know all the reasons why the Creator set it up that way but, according to the Bible, it started with free will between Adam, Eve and God. God preferred we, as humans not to know the difference between good and evil but that is not what humans choose. They chose not to beleive God and here we are.