The Life Review does discriminate. It judges you the way that you judge others but don't be too concerned about it. The worst and best thing about judgment is that it squeezes out every soul's external darkness and throws away everything that is not love. If you have a loved one who went before you who was almost always full of piss and vinegar with some small moments of radiant love... the heavy weight of piss and vinegar parts of them will end and each and every weightless ounceless' vapor of love inside of them will survive in timelessness to make it through to the other side of time. Don't worry about the fate of those who have gone before you; their every moment of love has been preserved beyond forever but instead of worry put in its place admiration for the times they shined... with the added benefit too that more of you can pass through the shadow of death into the brilliant love of every love that ever ever was and is. This is what was whispered to me by the long lost loved one's who you wished had been on the lighter side during their heavy hardened hearted' lives.