Weird pressure feeling up inside nose
Ok, let me start this off by saying, I do not have a sinus infection, cold, flu, etc. I am not new to curezone, but somewhat new to this particular forum, though I have made a few posts now to it. I don't know for sure, but am pretty sure I am an abductees. I have a post below where you can read about some of it.
Anyway, for the last two days, I have been having a weird pressure/pain type of feeling inside my nose, like how it feels if you were to get hit in tne nose by something. There is no sensitivity around the nose, in the forehead, etc., like when you get a sinus infection and it doesn't hurt to move my eyes, like when you have a sinus infection. I do, however, have mild dizziness off and on as well as mild headache off and on. I only mention this, because for years now, I have "something" in the very front entrance to my nose, where soft cartiledge only should be. It looks like a bony growth, about the size of a small pea, and you can see it if I pull the middle part of the nose flap (the part that connects to the upper lip), to the side. Obviously, bone does not grow there and I mentioned it to a doc once and they said there should be nothing there. On a neck x-ray I had recently, you can see it there. Where the rest of the face pretty much shows up translucent, this things shows up more white. From what I've heard about implants (I have another object that looks like a horizontal piece of rice that showed up in teh same x-ray, but either at the base of the neck and to the side or on the shoulder. Hard to tell because I don't read x-rays. Most nasal implants, aren't they usually higher up in the nose? Thanks for any input you can give me.