you are a complete idiot for banning donquixote. he did nothing wrong. if you were to be a good moderator you would have skimmed through all of his recent posts to see he never did anything wrong or said anything wrong. on the contrary, the person that complained to you to have him banned was actually the one starting all the problems, just skim down and take a look. i will quote some for you since you seem to be completly incompetant of this task. // // //
and if you are still too incompetant to see that 10383 is the same person as daredevil here he is admitting to being daredevil the person that had donquixote banned quote "Do you also wish to get your a$$ banned just like donquixote?
Let me know..."
so moderator do your job right donquixote was one of the most important contributors to this forum