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Re: Has ANYONE recovered using Dr. Lorraine Day's program?

Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Toonces Views: 8,431
Published: 22 y
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Re: Has ANYONE recovered using Dr. Lorraine Day's program?

Hi Carolg,

Thank you for your response. Like you, I have great respect for Dr. Day.

Since Dr. Day had three surgeries in addition to following her plan as part of her recovery, how can you be so confident that dezel's friend's mother did not have surgery? Remember, Dr. Day struggled for over a year on her plan with that large tumor before she opted for her third surgery. I am looking forward to dezel's response so we can all learn more. I do hope you are correct in that she didn't need surgery...she needs to tell her story for the benefit of everyone.

Also, since Dr. Day is one of your mentors, perhaps you can answer a simple, but often overlooked question about her. Why won't she release the pathology/biopsy reports from her second and third surgeries?

Thank you for any help you can give me.


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