--Oxygen Mystery--
Hi Ya'll,
The Oxygen Mystery, WE cannot Live without Oxygen, yet in the End it Kills us !
How can this be so?
Oxygen is an oxidizer, which means it may neutralize the Acids in the body!
Oxygen is a "MUST" for the body to be able to live!
What happens when we put a clothes pin on our nose and tape our mouth closed
so that we can not Breath any Oxygen into our body?
How long may we stay alive?
So, Oxygen is very important for the body in more than one way!
The body operates from the Electro-magnetic Energy which is released from
opposite pH materials Reacting against each other !
But, it takes Different combinations of "ALL" of the Different needed Alkaline
Minerals to create the body !
In other words, we can not Live on just a Electro-magnetic Energy release from
Sulfuric Acid and Oxygen !
Oils cannot be formed without phosphates and certain Alkaline Minerals Reacting
against each other !
The same is True for the Flesh of the body, it needs a Balance of Different
Electro-magnetic Energies !
And Different Organs of the body may require Specific Releases of
Electro-magnetic Energy !
So, if one gets too much Oxygen, it may Oxidize Different organs of the body too
much, in one case it may dry the eyes out too much !
It is "ALL" about the Acid Alkaline pH Balance !
The body must have both Acids and Alkaline Minerals of "ALL" kinds reacting
against each other to provide for a Healthy body !
Why Alkaline Minerals help retain more OXYGEN in the body?
The simplest reason is that they have an affinity for the OXYGEN molecule over
the HYDROGEN molecule!!
I do not know if I should go into any deeper info than this , as it may be
confusing for many people.
For the same mineral may change it's action as far as being Acidic or Alkaline
in nature by the ratios of Nitrogen to the Hydrogen which it becomes bound to!!
For many elements are isotopes, and this means that they may cause reactions of
the opposite from each other depending upon the above mentioned!
This is one of the reasons for the mood swings which people face with the
changing of the Moon cycles, for this causes a change in the ratios of positive
ions to negative ions in the atmosphere, which causes a change in the ratio
between the acidity and alkalinity of the body!!
This is why Hydro-therapy will work if understood properly and applied properly,
by using Hot and Cold, for this will change the body's pH, by it's self!!
Concerning carbonic acid and the oxygen: What we have to start with is carbon
dioxide which is released first, which turns into carbonic acid!
All foods that we eat may turn into Carbon Dixoide and then into Carbonic Acid,
thus unless we learn to supply enough of the needed Alkaline Minerals that help
the body carry enough Oxygen, our Lymphatic Fluids may become too Acidic !
OXYGEN is a very strong OXIDZER, which means that it will neutralize an Acid!!
So if the body becomes too acidic from carbonic acid release and there is not
enough of the Alkaline Minerals to neutralize the carbonic acid, then the
carbonic acid will react with all of the available OXYGEN and use it up and the
person starves for Lack of OXYGEN, this is what brings on Death!!
Now concerning exercise and breathing in more OXYGEN vs the release of carbonic and other acids from the process of exercise!!
To gain the most free OXYGEN for Alkalizing the body by the process of exercise
without producing too much release of carbonic acid, which will only make the
body more acidic, one needs to understand proper exercise!!
The proper way to accomplish this is by exercising rapidly to bring our self
to deep breathing, and then rest for several minutes, this starts our Metabolism
working, without Causing too much Release of Excess Carbonic Acids.
Example: Exercise hard for 1-3 minutes on a trampoline to bring about deep
breathing, and then stop and rest for 5-15 minutes!! And then repeat this
process all over again!!
By doing this one may oxidize the body much Better without causing the muscles
to release too much carbonic acid, which will make the body more acidic, and
thus a person will not develop sore muscles from this exercise process and we
will build Health instead of cause sickness!!
Now back to Oxygen Killing us in the end?
How can this be so?
Oxygen is a Strong Oxidizer, which may mean that any matter it comes in contact with may be Oxidized, thus because our body is Flesh and Blood, which Excess Acids may Destroy as such, our ashes may become Oxidized once again and leave a pile of Oxidixed ashes?
To try to simplfy it a little, without Acids to react against Alkaline Minerals and Oxygen, --NO-- Release of needed Electro-magnetic Energy may come about and we shall Die !
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.