It may be Ascaris Round worms. If in the sinus area they are white RG says. I had them too. I was in horible shape with my sinuses. I dab a very small amount of RG's medicated cream on a q-tip and I mean a small amount because a little goes a long way of RG's cream. The first time I did this my nose itched like heck and a few mins later this long white thing came out. It was white and rubbery. It was not musus. I had several come out later. I still put a dab up my nose in the morning and at night before I go to bed. If I don't do it then I wake up with horrible sinus headaches which I had for years and years at this time of year.
I even put a small dab on a q-tip and dab in my ears and to my surprise the rusty colored ear wax is now almost clear. I put it in my ears because I don't want the critters running into that area. My girlfriend is following what I am doing and she eliminated her sinus problems also and she was just as bad as I was.
This is just what I tried and it worked for me. Donna