Re:Try This
Yeah, I have tried the ozonating water and kept my head in the bowl afterwards for as long as I could stay in that position lol. but it seemed to increase the activity, so am wondering if some of the organsims need oxygen and some do not, which is why this infection is so hard to beat...just a thought.
That can be a goal of mine to grow my own food, but need a greenhouse and lots of energy...maybe I should move to Australia! Our food is definitely not safe anymore...not enough safety standards and checking to see if it is ok.
Hm..that is interesting. You tested positive for a bacteria used to kill nematodes suggest that all the measures being used for organic farming might not be testing, which has been my suspicion. What is the name of the bacteria? And I am assuming it became pathogenic because of the state of your immune system?
Btw, not that I like to broadcast this, but I too have been through 'the change'...:>