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If America has a massive deportation
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If America has a massive deportation

I don't know what your name is rockybird but if you are going to refer to my name while we debate, I want to address you by your name please. And what is your name?

I lived in Mexico for a year. Few Mexicans beyond the border region use drugs or are involved in violence. Mexico does not have near as violent a culture as the United States. The border between the U.S./Mexico on the other hand is a Capitalist Social Darwinist Dystopia created by the ravenous drug culture that is in the United States. My friends in Southern Mexico said that the people who live on the border are very poor people who have no family or they are bad children of their families. No one wants to live on the border that has family they can live with further South. I am not saying that what they said is true but most Mexicans I met don't want to live permanently on the border or in the United States. They have a much better life in Mexico. They have family and friends and a joyful lifestyle that focuses on relationships over the dog eat dog money focused life lifestyle of many of their Northern neighbors. Those who do go to North America and stay are generally poor and uneducated that have no place to return to. The educated Mexicans who come to work in the United States make their money and go back to a better life. Mexico is their suburb and North America is their paycheck.

Many poor Mexicans were run off of their land by corn subsidies from the United States meant to move migrant farm workers off of their land and into factories in Mexico. The other reason for the the corn subsidies was to force laborers into the United States for cheap labor. When those jobs dried up in Mexico, many do what other penniless uneducated people do, they turn to selling or trafficking in drugs. America created the problem because it wanted poor uneducated labor for low paying jobs. It now has to pay for it with violence on the border. Build a dystopia and they will come.

If the poor Mexicans get an education in the United States and want to join the melting pot and pay taxes, I am all for it. They work hard and they deserve it. If Mexicans want to participate in violent criminal activity, I say lock the border down and send the criminals back to Mexico and let Mexico use their resources for dealing with their bad children. The criminals should also be accompanied by a letter to their grandmother telling them that their grandson is no longer welcome in the United States. I think it is a compromise that avoids a race war. Grandmothers are the boss in Mexico. I like your idea of giving $1,000 to those who want to return but add a bus ticket back to their grandmother's house for a better outcome. They should also have a new law that all Mexicans who want work visas must bring their grandmothers with them.

America is a melting pot. I hope it melts racism right out of its culture. I believe it will one day when all of the rockybirds have one of their children who gives them brown grand children and that America will be better off for it.



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