You are lucky that you came to this site and if you are starting the Humaworm then you are even more lucky. Rg is the owner of Humaworm and he is a blessing to all of us. Rg explains it like this to all of us that have been in it for a while. He says that it is like setting a mouse trap. You will not catch all the mice in your house with just one trap. Same with the Humaworm. RG puts in safe amounts of herbs that will eliminate all the critters but it will take more than one Humaworm cleanse if someone is infected. Some people are more infected than others and require more cleanses. You can click on my username and scroll down to see all of my testimonies. I am a walking testimony success story with Humaworm. I also have friends and family memebers that are walking testimony success stories. Just click on my username next to this post and it should bring up all of my posts. Especially read the R RR RRR and BSA posts that I received. You can also look at the top of the Ask Humaworm forum and click on the R RR RRR and BSA posts and see what people said there. Also scroll down and find RG's posts and click on his username and read his posts. He has a world of knowledge on Parasites and we all here have learned a whole lot from him. There are many of us that post here. Read Fledglings posts and many more that post here a lot. Many of us have also shared pics. Hope this helps you out a little. Donna