Rethink that belief, then decide.
It really makes me wonder what it was ... can't have been a tori, since it went away. summerhaunt
This is a common error in thinking when talking about "medical" stuff.
You need to understand that the medical community hasn't a clue about real health.
They have a book of beliefs they believe are valid.
After all, aren't their beliefs based on scientific evidence?
(Now that's funny!)
Your growth was a tori.
You did "something" right and it was reabsorbed.
You place way too much faith that the medical profession knows all the absolutes.
You will NEVER become truly healthy holding on to "their" beliefs.
Cancer is curable.
Floride is BAD.
Gall bladders need not be removed.
Fat is not only healthy, but needed by the body.
Etc, etc.
So if the Meds told you, you were dying and their was nothing they or you could do, you would accept it?
Next time you make a statement of belief, ask yourself, is this "mine" or "theirs".
Then decide which belief "you" want.
Your Humble Servant,
Gracefully Savage