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you can live an abundant pain-free existence
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you can live an abundant pain-free existence

om jai jai maa

First some words of caution and advice. To learn tummo, you have to be serious about your spiritual evolution. You must build up from ground level. This can't be just some game, or some passing curiosity. You must plunge yourself into the practice. You must live it, breathe it. You must set yourself apart from the world-consciousness and attach yourself to the divine consciousness. That means preferring meditation practice to worldly engagements, and not mixing with bad influences of lust, greed, anger, or delusion. That means seeking out and mixing with truly holy people. And you must never show off power were you to attain it, because you will lose those powers and fall hard.

Prying into secret knowledge can be very dangerous if you are not spiritually evolved and balanced. You could go insane, or you could end up using your powers to get yourself into a huge karmic bind which might take a long time to get out of.

"Gtummo yoga" is just some mystical word created to attract attention... tummo is only one technique, whereas yoga is a complete way of life... it's really a misleading term. Those tibetan monks are very advanced practitioners and it takes lots of intense, systematic discipline before they can begin to learn things like tummo. Keep in mind these monks often get up at 4am or earlier and live throughout the day with very little food, and spend much time in meditation and worship. There are many other intense disciplines they follow as well. It isn't really something learned from books, but only from a true teacher (in a world of false teachers) or your own inner light.

Tummo is beyond mainstream knowledge, because the western scientific literature has yet to truly document the "hows" and "wherefors" of this phenomenon. Few people are willing to follow the rigorous discipline that it requires. One day it may be standard knowledge though and i do believe it can be very beneficial if harnessed correctly.

That being said, if you are still interested you may wish to look into vajrayana buddhism which practices tummo at an advanced stage. Kundalini yoga may offer you some insight as well.

You may also wish to look up the book "The six yogas of Naropa" which has references to the practice of g'Tummo. "Clear Light of Bliss" by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso also discusses this practice. Also check out this website:

On the pain thing, you might like to know that Mohandas Ghandi had an appendectomy without the use of pain relievers, which is pretty much unheard of in western medicine.

May the Spirit bless you on your path, and may the Bodhisattva realm send you special guardians if you choose to walk the path of purity and evolution.



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