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Re: Saviors or Shills?
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Published: 17 y
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Re: Saviors or Shills?

I seriously doubt there is a connection. Irwin Schiff is an old man (81?) serving a 12-yr prison sentence somewhere in Nevada for his fight against the income tax. (I believe 12 is correct) I can't imagine he'd willingly sit in prison for the Rothschilds, but hey, stranger things have happened.
I've been to one of Peter Schiff's lectures, and he sure seems like a guy on the up-and-up, very passionate about what he believes. He may seem like a prophet, but all a prophet is, is someone who knows their history and what leads up to certain events, and extrapolates from there. The things he says are really just common sense. That's my two cents' worth, and that's about all it's worth. Hope that was helpful.


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