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Re: Doc...genetic predisposition..???
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Re: Doc...genetic predisposition..???

Genetics are changable. Even the supposed genetic predisposition is correctable. Cooper of Aerobics fame has been doing research on genetic predispostion for years. And other researches have been looking at it for years also.

Turns out genetics are quite easily changed via mental attitude and diet. Thus the reason "they" try to scare you with this oh so big mystery and technically supposed complex propaganda. Got to keep the masses in control you know. Keep-em in fear and mystery.

Johns-Hopkins did research on Seizure victims a few years ago. They put all the participants of the research on the high protein diet similar to the Adkins plan. That put all the patients into a state of ketosis. The siezures went away. After released from the research the 2 to 6 month follow-ups indicated a permenent change in the genetic code. The siezures remained gone even though the patients went back to their normal diets. Never heard about it did you though?

Cooper has his patients do the mental gymnastics, the visualzation/meditations along with the nutritional and exercise programs. All genetic predispostition are corrected. No longer exist.

What's that tell you??? Looks like Henry Ford was right: "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you're right". Quantum physics. Spritual/mental is far above the physical and dictates physical expression. Thus the truth will always set you free.

That's how I made it all the way back.

Don't buy the lie...



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