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--Adrenals--Sodium & Potassium connection--
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--Adrenals--Sodium & Potassium connection--

Hi Ya'll,

As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !

This may also be the case with the Adrenals and what Doctors and other so-called Experts may Claim about Sodium & Potassium in relationship to the Adrenals?

What am I refering to?

Here is what these folks claim: By Dr. Paul C. Eck and Dr. Lawrence Wilson

Most diets are low in nutrients required by the adrenals. These include B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium and other and other trace elements. The reasons for this begin with how food is grown. Most food is grown on depleted soils. Processing and refining further deplete nutrients. Habits like eating in the car or while on the run further diminish the value derived from food. Also, allergic reactions to foods such as wheat and dairy products can damage the intestines and reduce the absorption of nutrients. Toxic metals and chemicals often play a large role in adrenal burnout. Everyone is exposed to thousands of chemicals in the air, the water and the food. Other sources are dental materials and skin contact with chemicals. Over-the-counter and prescribed medications add to the body’s toxic load.

Toxins may also be generated within the body due to impaired digestion. When food is not properly digested, it either ferments or rots in the intestines, producing many harmful substances that are absorbed into the body. Chronic infections, of dental and other origin, also contribute to the toxic load. In most people, the organs of elimination do not function at an optimal level. As a result, toxic substances slowly build up in the body, leading to adrenal burnout and many other health conditions.

Stimulants damage the adrenal glands. They whip the adrenals. Caffeine, sugar and alcohol are among the most common stimulants. Less obvious stimulants include anger, rage, arguing, hatred, loud music, the news and movies full of suspense. Vigorous exercise, sexual preoccupations and other thrills may also act as stimulants.
Stimulant use, however, can also be a result of adrenal burnout. Stimulants are attractive to one in burnout to provide temporary energy. This is an appeal of the drug culture, both legal and recreational.

Unhealthy responses to stress are another cause of adrenal burnout. These include habits of worrying, or becoming angry or afraid. Don’t worry, be happy is a great prescription for adrenal burnout. This applies particularly to high-strung, nervous individuals and those with very active minds, as they are especially prone to adrenal burnout.

Many children today are born with weak adrenals due to their parents’ nutritional deficiencies. By age three or four, these children are in burnout. They are often sick, depressed and have difficulty in school.

* Stimulants. Most stimulants whip the adrenals. This may cause one to feel better for a while, but the long-term effect is to weaken the adrenal glands. Stimulants include sugar, alcohol, caffeine, theobromine in chocolate, amphetamines and other medical drugs, cocaine, heroine and others.
Other stimulants can include loud noise, loud music, light stimulation such as strobe lights in night clubs, excessive exercise and excessive vibration. Anger, fear and worry can act as stimulants as well.
Note that stimulant use can be a result, as well as a cause of adrenal insufficiency. A person who is tired due to weak adrenals may be attracted to stimulants such as drugs, loud music or anger to feel better temporarily.

End of their quote.

They do not seem to be very clear about the Sodium to Potassium ratios in what I was able to find in their info, except that they understand there is a connection to how the Adrenals react? Part of their Lack of undersanding may be in that they are using Hair analysis, which do not give accurate info, because this is info after the Fact ! As A Hair analysis may tell what took place several weeks ago, not at the present time, thus there is too much guess work as they admit to here:

Hidden manganese, iron, chromium, aluminum, cadmium, selenium and other minerals will also raise sodium.

Minerals may remain hidden for years, even when one is on a corrective nutritional program. They are needed internally to support exhausted adrenal and thyroid glandular activity. This is similar to defective blocks holding up a house. They cannot be removed until the house is shored up and rebuilt.

----This can be confusing---- because the hair analysis may initially show fairly normal levels of sodium, yet the patient may feel tired or have other symptoms of low adrenal activity such as joint pain, allergies, low blood sugar or depression. Over a period of several months to several years, as the sodium-raising excess minerals are removed, ---------the sodium level may appear worse and worse on repeat tests, yet the patient may feel better and better.---------End their quote.

Did you read where the Sodium levels may appear worse and worse by their testing, yet the patient may feel Better and Better?

As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !

Then we have suggesting this:

In restoration of the adrenal gland function one should include potassium rich foods and avoid foods high in sodium. This will help to keep the sodium/potassium balance in the body. In the standard American diet, people consume way too much sodium. Researchers recommend a dietary potassium-to-sodium ratio of greater than 5 to 1. Intake of potassium should be about 3 to 5 grams per day. End.

Answer: They also forget that Potassium is a Powerful Stimulant to the Adrenals, thus one cannot Relax the Adrenals when too much Potassium is present ! They also Lack the understanding that Sodium may in Fact act as a Relaxant to the Adrenals? Thus their suggestion may continue to Damage ones Adrenals, but this is Good for Selling more Drugs and or Herbs etc as may be their case?

Then we have this info by Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.

Vitamin C, B5, B6, iron, manganese, sodium and potassium act as stimulants to the adrenals. End.

Notice where he claims Sodium and Potassium Stimulate the Adrenals, but could he be wrong about the Sodium along with others thinking the same way?

Here is what has to say about what may help those suffering Adrenal Damage, but this is hid amongst the Rest of their Sales pitch of other products they are trying to Sell, thus Many may not read this Simple idea: -----What you really need in this situation is a combination of all three, water, salt and potassium in the right proportions. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to drink small repeated doses of water accompanied by a little food sprinkled with kelp powder. Kelp powder contains both potassium and sodium in an easily assimilated form. End.

This is the Best suggestion I have come across from anyone on the internet, Of course they Fail to mention the Differences in the Varieties of kelp as to the Sodium to Potassium ratios as I have mentioned many times !

It also seems they may not understand the problem of too much Potassium in ratio to the Sodium may be one of the Major problems and this may be because of the Potassium Nitrate(NPN) problem in our food supply?

As I have mentioned before, Potassium may act as a Powerful Stimulant to the Adrenals, thus Whipping the Adrenals like Whipping a tired ole worn out Horse that is ready to Die !

Sodium appears to act as a Relaxant upon the Adrenals if there is enough of the Calcium and Magnesium in the Correct ratios to the Sodium to Potassium ratios !

This seems to Fly in Contradiction to many of the supposed Experts whom may Claim Sodium to be a Stimulant along with Potassium??

One may consider the use of Sodium Phosphate in the form of Nat. phos. 6x by Hyland's as a Neutralizer of Excess Acidity, that may help one Relax their neck and back muscles when dealing with too much Acidity !

If Sodium was a Stimulant, then it could not help the Muscles relax?

So, who is right and who is wrong?

Again remember that the Poor Quality foods contain too much Potassium Nitrate(NPN), thus Causing too much Potassium in ratio to the available Sodium, along with a shortage of needed Calcium and Magnesium and other needed Alkaline Minerals and Live carbons !

The Adrenals need to Relax, but Potassium is a Powerful Stimulant !

This means we may then be short of needed Sodium?

Top Quality Kelp with more Sodium to the amount of Potassium may be the answer to help Heal!

Cause and Effect !

Smile Tis your choice.



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