Hey Karen5, I am so sorry you are going through this, i know exacly how you feel i also could have written your post the mirena is evil !!! it has been a year since removal and still recovering from that evil thing i still get the odd joint and muscle pain, muscle twitching , anxiety, and dizziness not as half as bad as it was when i had the mirena in , ive also thought i was dying of every disease going it was awlful , ive had many tests done mri to rule out ms ct scan, blood test s and also have been tested for lupus and other autoimmune diseases for them to come up with nothing its a mystery till this day it is a mystery i just wanted a answer i just want to know what this thing has done to our bodies , well if it wasnt for these lovely ladies on this forum i would of gone crazy especially meat27!! thank-you so much !! well karen i hope you get it out asap and recover quickly !! like most people have done , we are always here if you need to talk good luck !!