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Re: taking the plunge
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Re: taking the plunge


Please find the answers below one by one.

1. Moreless has suggested many times, if distilled water is not available, you can use clean water instead. Although distilled water will have better assimilation of calcium hydroxide.

2. Yes, BSM has to unsulphered.

3. Here is an answer from Moreless for Kelp.

The Best kelp comes from the Coldest Cleanest waters, which may mean away from
the cities !

Some have found Iceland Kelp to be Good to use and others the Norwegian Kelp !

One other thing about kelp is whatever kelp you try first, if that doesn't
raise your Ph, you will have to try another one.

4. Lemon juice will better initially, because it is easier to assimilate for people
with poor digestion.

5. Pinch on celetic salt won't hurt, but it is not necessary. pinch of Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulphate) should be made part of the drink, if not taken otherwise.

Hope this answers your questions, this is the best protocol which can help you heal. If you do your homework, read, read and re-read posts for understanding how things work - you will learn.

Don't forget the Alaklizing baths - they are also very helpful.

Happy Healing


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