I found several things in my search for the cure of my problems. I came across a formula created by a cardiolgist named Seth Baum. It has several things that are good for the heart: Vit E, Magnesium, Potassuim, CoQ10, l-arginine, l- carnitine, l-taurine and omega3s. The name of the formula is Rhythm Right. I found that from other things I have researched that it would be more beinfical to consume more CoQ10. Also Hawthorn berries seem to help. Though I do have other problems that are more than likely causing my heart problems. I am working on getting those straight.. and finding exactly what is wrong there. If any other things that could help please let me know.. also if anyone has any questions regarding this I don't mind sharing what I know and what i have been through. I know it is a scary thing to face. (Also any information on Thyroid and Female hormones in conjunction with the heart would be very much appreciated. Due to the fact that is the things I believe is causing my heart problems... could be.. might not be)