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Re: The Angels
I have an angel story that happened yesterday
I was at my moms in the afternoon for the 3rd time. It started out a bad day,I could see mom was really scattered, she had stuff all over. (she had 4 x-mas parties during the wk with her ladies clubs and ate the alot of bad stuff which I am sure included tons of white sugar). anyway I went back at noon and she was gone I freaked got in the truck and drove around looking for her, didn't see her any where so went back and she was just going in the house. Ask her where she had been of course she said she didn't know. Made her lunch and had to go again for a short time but didn't feel good about being gone for long so I returned shortly. Fliped through the channels and found an animal show on that seemed to interst her. Was watching that and in alittle while she goes and comes out with this 3 foot tall Mickey Mouse X-mas ornamate in a box that needs put together,(she loves MM) so I got it out and worked on the thing for about 2 hrs before I finally gets it togther and lit up. Mom loved it. Ok now it is time to take it outside and stake in the ground and as I am carrying it towards the door, over the TV this voice says, LOOK AT THE BIG EARS. It was like wow right then I knew the angels where there watching me and I think they where pleased with the love and patience and time I gave mom.
Maybe my description of the event is hard to follow or understand and you had to be there, but I can tell you there where angels there and they spoke and let me know it.
many blessings