Re: Question
Not totally against antibiotics, they do have their place. Lymes IS parasites. There used to be a web site called
that had an excellent high salt protocol to handle the lyme parasite.
I suggest Barefoots DeWormer and Humaworms antiparasite protocol. For sure this would help.
A good friend of mine went through the antibiotic treatment years ago for the parasites he picked up in Vietnam also and it worked for him too. So not is all lost. But he was a good friends with the treating physician who didn't treat him with the normal orthodox medical protocols. Antibiotics were invovlved in that treatment regime.
Either way, Lymes is parasites so the DeWormer and Humaworm are called for.
Grapes, Oranges and pineapple have the good germs the colon needs to maintain the normal flora in the colon so the food will digest. There are some excellent probiotics available also.
But yeah, this would definately do her some good.