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I don't see how making my period go away
dv12 Views: 2,657
Published: 17 y

I don't see how making my period go away

would be a good thing. I remember when the doctor convinced me to insert the Mirena instead of getting my tubes tied and telling me that my period will get lighter and eventually stop alltogether. Like it was a good thing.

Why would that be a good thing? And I remember certain birth control pills they have out there where you can go three months without your period. After all the trouble I've been through with my hormones so out of whack, I pray for my period to be on time every month, because the more they are regular, the better I feel.

When they are late, which is sometimes 3-4 weeks late, I start to feel like when I had the Mirena in: mood swings, pains around my ovaries, fatigue, etc.

You are supposed to have your period. It's not natural to trick your hormones into otherwise. Why the hell did I ever think that was a good side-effect???!

Why the hell do we jump on these stupid bandwagons of new drugs. I honestly don't want to see the male birth control pill become popular because I'd hate to see men with raging hormone issues like we have to deal with. That would be really bad.


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