BIG Thanks: JeanetteTraceyPTreeStonehedgeLovieDovie
and the names are not in order of importance. Sorry for not responding soon enough to thank you all for your kind responses. Have moved house recently thus don't have immediate access to internet connection.
Tracey, your advice on the signal of numbness in relation to liver health is very enlightening. I may do my fourth
Liver Flush - tomorrow.
At the moment, I'm banging on eaching raw garlic clove daily, for two weeks before the next blood test. I've started on one clove but working my way to three daily. The first night I had the garlic, there was an immediate burning sensation from the esophegus (spelling ;)) down to the stomach. And then I had my first bowel movement for a long time the next morning. The stools were hard...sign of insufficient fluid. I think I may need more fluid than normal people...I'm working on that as well...
Anyway, I'll report on the power of garlic in two weeks time, so stay tune. Serioulsy dying to tell the doctor the garlic killed H-P (I'm hoping for that!!), and see the shock on her face...I'm still a opotismist.
Something else to report. See, I've been on this strange diet of juicing, fruits, raw vegetables for a while, and most of my close friends are aware of it. Recently, they threw a surprised birthday party for me - guess what was on the menu? a range of raw vegetable with, with healthy vegetable soup, and they even loaded my fridge with a big tray of fruits (all kinds) and an encylopia on whole food.
I'm nothing short of surprise with their suppport towards my changed diet and lifestyle. I come to realise that people who are closed to us will come to support our diet change and what not, if they see a geninue desire, and when we don't impose our changes on them, and most of all our commitment. Infact, my friends are slowly moving towards my direction, judging from their interests in what I'm doing.
My best convertis my boyfriend. He shift from a sheer negativism to a self-acclaim vegetarian within 3 months. He bought us both a blender and a GREEN STAR jucier!! Can you believe that? All I did was to introduce to him ideas, places where he could get information. Now, he's becoming quite an expert in juice combination.
Okie doky, I've got to catch the train home soon. But stay tune for more reports. And thanks to everyone for your suport. Believe it or not, the people represented in this forum have been a pillar of strength to me. Oh oh, I must also add that my boyfriend used to be disapproved of me spending too much time reading posts at the forums. Now he would say to me "have you read the posts in the forum?" or "Why not ask for some advise at the forum?". I'm so blessed.
Summer :)