--Satan does not want folks to learn the Truth--
Hi refreshed,
Your comment: Well, I know one thing...having been a people pleaser most of my life, I have never been so hated for standing up for something I believe in before.
When I debate Christianity, I expect a certain amount of backlash but for something like the ML protocol...I did not expect the outpouring of angry people who dislike or even hate because of my belief that it works for me.
If someone doesn't want to try it for themselves, that's their business but to dislike me or ridicule me for my decision to heal my body with Truth...amazes me.
Answer: It should be of --No-- surprise to you as Satan does not want folks to learn the Truth !
You of all folks should already know this?
Anytime we start sharing the Real Truth with others to help them, Satan will sent in his Hounds from Hell to try and Stop the Free flow of Truth !
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.