17 y
"And the brown shall inherit the Earth...oh well!
June 30, 2008 - 13:42 ET by greenfairie
The Zero Population Growth movement is one of the biggest scams of our lifetime. The result is a generation of middle-class Americans and Euroweenies consigning themselves to oblivion by not having children or enough children,
while the folks they tried to force into sterilization (Africans, Indians, Latinos, Muslims) are being fruitful and multiplying. Personally, I find this hilarious. The very movement that started because they didn't want the brown people breeding too much ends up biting them in the butt. The only ones in the West who are also being fruitful and multiplying are religious conservatives. This is why the leftists have to brainwash children in school because they're not having any themselves."
Average IQ of Mexicans 87
US increase in Hispanics since 1940 twenty five times,while the rest of population increased 2 times.