--Cayenne Peppers--Pros & cons
Hi Ya'll,
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Many folks lay claim to the great many Benefits, but may forget to mention the Cons that may also be involved?
As I have stated Repeatedly foods are --NO-- Better than the soils they are grown on and their Quality they end up with !
Thus if Cayenne Pepper is grown correctly and has a High Brix reading and plenty of needed Alkaline Minerals, then it may provide Many Great Benefits, but if it is of Poor Quality and Lacks the needed Alkaline Minerals and has too much NPN in it then it may give us Sickness and Disease instead of Healing !
There is also the problem of Adulteration by those Grinding and Selling the Powder product?
What may be some of the things used to Adulterate Cayenne pepper: Oxide of Red Lead(Lead can Poison a person)-- Coloured sawdust--and other Adulterants !
What makes Cayenne Pungent: Many consider Capsicin, which is a red colouring matter, oleic, palmitic and stearic ACIDS ! Notice these are --ALL-- Acids !
The British Pharmacopoeia requires that capsicin should yield not more than 6%, of the ash, and this test is supposed to test for Adulterants, assuming a Higher test indicates Adulterants?
An example of Poor quality cayenne having NPN and Excess Acids Causing Health problems:
I knew of a man once who managed large pepper growing operations in Flordia years ago, and he liked eating the Hot peppers right off of the plant!
He would go through the Pepper fields and taste the hot peppers to see when they were ready for picking!
One day my friend was in the fields with him and this man got hold of a Hot Pepper which was too Acidic and it was "KILLING" him, because he could not breath after biting into it and he was sweating all over etc!
My friend knew what was going on with the man's body, in that the Pepper was causing this man's body to become very Acidic to the point of Death!
And my friend had some Baking soda and Distilled water in his car which he used in testing crops etc, so he mixed up some Distilled water and Baking soda for this man to drink, and when this man was able to drink some of this mix, then "IMMEDIATELY" it stopped the Acids from this Hot Pepper from causing this man's body from being too Acidic, and the man was able to breath again!
So, as in most all cases, Not everything may be as it may first seem to be!
The way in which the Cayenne Pepper may be grown may determine "IF" it is of Good Quality and then this may determine how much Alkaline Minerals it may have in it, and this may determine "IF" it may have an Alkalizing effect on our body when we may eat it "OR" "IF" it may have an "ACID" effect on our body!
As in ALL" foods which may be grown, "IF" they are "NOT" grown properly, then they may cause the body to become too Acidic when we may eat the food, "IF" this food does not have enough Alkaline Minertals in it in a Complete Complexed Carbohydrate form!
So, "IF" we get a Poor Quality Cayenne Pepper which is too Acidic, then it may cause Blisters on our skin when it is too Acidic and also cause our body to become too Acidic also!
Whereas "IF" it is Top Quality with enough Alkaline Minerals in it, then this Top Quality Pepper may not cause blisters on our skin and may help Alkalize our body instead!
So where one person may get some Good Quality Cayenne Pepper to use, and this may Help them Health Wise, another person may get some Poor Quality Cayenne Pepper and this may make them Sick!
And when some people may claim to have found all the answers to solve a problem by taking this food or that food and do not give consideration about how the foods may have been Grown, then this person may not be very Wise in their ideas!
For a person having water retention problems and their Sodium is too High in ratio to their Potassium Causing them to retain too much fluids in their body, thus "Killing" their internal Fire, thus allowing them to get Cold?
This may be Solved by adding some Top Quality cayenne pepper to their Alkalizing drink, which may cause a hotter Burn of the carbohydrates?
This is another one of those Not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be conditions whereas the Sodium is Higher to the Potassium, yet the person is Still getting Cold and adding Top Quality cayenne may Solve the problem?
Too Many folks seem to forget that Many things may not be as they may 1st seem to be and that Many times the Nitrogen Isotope may be the Joker Card in our food supply causing Sickness and Disease vs Healing !
Thus when some folks make Claims as this or that Herb or food is the Next Magic Pill to solve all our problems, I wonder what Sand Pile they have their head Buried in? Now, maybe some will see WHY I have a problem with some Herbalists going around Recommending this or that Herb for healing without ANY consideration for what it's Quality may be !
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.