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Browser version? Windows version?
Webmaster Views: 2,935
Published: 17 y
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Browser version? Windows version?

Has it always been like that or is that something new?

When did it start? Exact time/date?

Can you tell me more about your computer and your browser?

Is it windows? What version.

You can find a version of Windows if you open "Windows explorer" and you click on "Help" in the main menu and then "About Windows".

It may say something like: Version 5.1 4655665 Service Pack 2

Also, version of your Interent Explorer or whatever other browser you are using?

You click on "Help" on the main menu of the "Interent Explorer" , and then "About Interent Explorer"

It may say something like: Version 6.6.456.64686546484

Do you have anti-spy or anti-virus software?

Is there possibility that anti-spy or anti-virus software is blocking some content?

Parental Controll Software?

Is there possibility that Parental Controll Software is blocking some content?

What software are you using as anti-spy or anti-virus ?

Do you have fire wall installed?

I am trying to find out what it is .... it must be something specific for your computer/browser etc, cause you are the only one complaining?

Thanks for your help

CureZone Webmaster


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