Re: Nutritional Value of Wheatgrass - B12 attention
Wonderfull article, but please let us be more detailed in B12 vitamin.
I agree this could be solution for our vegan story.
But let me build whole story around B12.
Biochemistry says that we need following buiulding blocks for generating B12:
- very rich bacterium strains ( in soil or on green plants -
for example how cows built their B12 reserves )
- Cobalt probably not extracted Cobalt but in some mix of organic material
( in soil )
Initiated process where bacteriums ingesting that organic materials ( includinmg Cobalt ) and as the metabolic side efect also cianocobalamin ( B12 )?
I didn't start details about analog of B12. Humans or other mammals are not supposed to be able ignest all kind ( analogs ) of B12 in the same intnesivity. The term bioavailability is used in this context. So B12 for example from kale not supposed to be so bioavailable as b12 from other sources ( meat sources ) ...
How in this context estimate bioavailability of B12 on fresh juiced young wheatgrass.
I can imagine that in controlled growing
( soil is enriched with aerobic bacteria strains and supplements including Cobalt ) ..this way ( my speculation ) is possible to provide conditions for B12 generation.
I also noticed there are many moisture supplements for garden greens that can be added to daily water-supplying for growing which contains B12.
Thanks for any hint or debate on this problem...