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--What is it Detox or Poisoning--
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--What is it Detox or Poisoning--

Hi Ya'll,

Take a tour around curezone and find out just how many forums want to make "US" believe that by using their products or the products promoted on that forum, that when we have added Pain and Suffering, that it must be because of Detox, is what they want us to believe ?

Could this be False info ?

Is it possible that many of these Magic pills may instead be Causing "Poisoning" instead of the supposed Detox they want us to believe ?

What is it that is many times reported, when someone gets more Pain and Suffering ?

Many times it may be believed that the product being Sold is working and Removing Toxins, thus one needs to slow down the intake of the product and not Cause so many Toxins needing to be removed from our body ?

Now, at 1st look this may be wise thought to consider, as this may be a Valid consideration in some conditions ?

But, what about those times, when this is Bad info and a person may really be "Poisoning" themself with the product in question?

Let us examine some ideas and products in question:

Many times one of the 1st signs of Poisoning may be Diarrhea or Constipation ?

What may Cause these problems ?

For this let us examine the Digestive system and how it is supposed to work ?

In a Correctly working Digestive system, we have Digestive Bacteria, which are Aerobic(Oxygen users), which need Oxygen to Live and do their job properly, which is to Break down the foods we eat in a process whereas they Create Acids to break this food down, but their Acids "ONLY" Break down the Proteins & Carbohydrates and Alkaline Minerals !

Then we have the need for Alkaline Minerals, which are needed to React against the Acids and Fats and Oils to allow for their Break down !

What happens if the Aerobic(Oxygen) bacteria are "Killed" ?

Then we have Anerobic(Lacking Oxygen) bacteria, which move in and allow for Putrification to take place instead of proper Digestion !

And Putrification leads to "Poisoning" starting in our Gut and moving to the Rest of our body!

So, what may Cause the Aerobic(Oxygen using) Bacteria to Die, so that the anerobic(Lacking Oxygen) bacteria may move in ?

In other words what may "Kill" Bacteria easily ?

What do we put into a swimming pool to "Kill" the bacteria ?

Generally most folks use Sodium Chlorite or some form of Chloride or Chlorine !

For any of these forms of Chlorine may form Chlorine Gas, which is very Poisonous and will "KILL" Aerobic bacteria !

MMS is a form of Sodium Chlorite !

Now let us examine this product and the numbers game of usage of it and what it may take to "Kill" the Aerobic Bacteria in "OUR" Digestive system ?

Have we heard about parts per million concentrations ?

This is a measurement whereas the needs may be counted in PPM(parts per million), for the purpose of accomplishing the job of Purification or "Killing" or supplying the needed amount to accomplish the task at hand may be ?

So, for the purpose of "Killing" Aerobic bacteria, let us say that in 1 gallon of water that 3 parts per million will do the job of "Killing" "ALL" BActeria !

Now let us say that the body needs trace amount of this element to live, but it "Only" needs 1 part per trillion, not 3 parts per million, because when we get to 3 parts per million, we have reached the amount, whereas this is enough to "Kill" all of the aerobic bacteria in our Digestive system, thus the start of "Poisoning" our Gut and leading to "Poisoning" of the Rest of our body ! !

This also may hold true for elemental iodine, which is needed in small trace amounts by the body, but in a form bound with Live carbons and attached needed Alkaline Minerals to protect us from Poisoning, for when the body becomes overdosed on elemental iodine, it also may become "Poisoned" by the elemental Iodine !

And the same may be said for Zinc, which is used in Rat Poison to Kill Rats, just by adding enough to raise the amount above the Trace amount needed, thus Causing Poisoning, instead of Healing !

Taking any of these Trace elements as Elements other than in a Natural form from a Nature source, which has been bound with Natural Live Carbons to Buffer them is just asking for problems, as anyone with open eyes may see on curezone by all the folks trying these magic pills and having many problems, from Diarrhea to Constipation to Swelling to Aches and Pains to Suffering etc !!

"WHY" do so many folks continue to take these Magic Pills, when so many Cause Pain and Sufferings from overuse and Resulting "Poisoning" ?

For a person to Detox properly, one needs to have enough Alkaline Mineral Reserves, so that as the Excess Acids and Toxins may be released into the Lymphatic Fluids, that they may be Neutralized by the Alkaline Minerals and thus not Cause Pain and Suffering !

When we Cause the Release of too much Fatty Acids and or Toxins to enter our Lymphatic Fluids from their stored areas of the body or otherwise, this then may overload our Lymphatic Fluids and start the Poisoning of our entire body !

How may we avoid Causing this overload of Poisoning of our Lymphatic Fluids?

We must learn to supply enough of the needed Alkaline Minerals to be able to Neutralize these Excess Acids and Toxins being Released into our Lymphatic Fluids !

In the case of using the Detox Baths, this may be accomplished may times by increasing the amount of peroxide to provide enough Extra Oxygen, which is then able to help Neutralize the extra Acids and Toxins Released into the Lymphatic Fluiods !

But, in the case of some of these so-called Magic Pill products, they do "NOT" provide the needed Alkaline Minerals to help Neutralize Acids and Toxins in the bodys Lymphatic Fluids or the needed Live Carbons to Buffer our bodys from Poisoning!

So, the so-called Detox effects may many times be the body being "Poisoned" instead from overuse of the products in question !

Remember the body may only need a few parts per Trillion of some of these trace elements and it may be Best , that they are provided in a Live Carbon form, like what comes in Kelp, which is a Natural product and does not cost an arm and leg, nor does it "Poison" one by it's use !

Remember: Too much Nitrogen(Funny Protein) may "Kill" the aerobic Bacteria in our Digestive system as well as Sodium chlorite or any of the other forms of Chlorine as well as elemental iodine, which many times is used to Purify water by using very small amounts, but when we use over these small amounts, then we have stepped over the thresh-hold into "Poisoning" of our own bodys !

And it is now a condition of "Poisoning", not a condition of just Detox as some would have "US" to believe ?

If, it is too good to believe without any real changes on our part in our lifestyle, then is may very well be too good to be true and just another Magic Pill
Sucking our Hard earned Money away from us ?

Are "WE" one of the Few and far inbetween who are willing to learn to have compassion for our own body to learn to help it Heal from it's Sickness and Diseases ?

Here are some who have gone before "US" and have given Success Testimonials to show for their efforts, and may be found "following" this Link to these Success Testimonials:

Cause and Effect !

Choose Life or Death this Day !

Smile Tis your choice.


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