more than that... many "supplements" and "herbs" have been greatly reduced in potency and\or been banned from market due to their effectiveness.
The "we are protecting the public" is also the guise behind irradiation, pasteurization, homogenization, GMO, you name it... corporate interests, profits, etc.
Just because a few "idiots" (Darwin Awards) think a little is good, more must be better, gives them just the fodder they need to make the taking away of medicines, and\or making them ineffective (radiation etc.) look legit under the guise of "protecting the public".
The drugs you mention are from plants that have a great deal of value for reasons other than getting "high".
You may, or may not know that the irradiation of foods drastically reduces nutritional value... oh, the minerals are still in there... just bound and unavailable to feed your body... as you get fatter and sicker.
Your comment, funny, yes... but only from one point of view.