a little business reality 101 lesson for ya'll.
As a successful businessman in multiple areas, I must convey to you what American business really is...making payroll. No more, no less. Most businesses you see up and down main street don't make profit...they make a payroll. They keep the lights on. They barely pay off the owners with more than regular paychecks, paychecks they could've earned WITHOUT the risk of ownership. You see doors closing every day and wonder, "how in the hell could this be happening"? Easy, freshmen...all eyes to the front. When credit it shut down, and all you're doing is shifting money from one area of the ledger to the other...you're doomed. Nobody except McDonald's and Walmart and a scant few others are actually making profit. I make profit, not payroll. I win a lot, I lose a few. When it's all tallied up...I made a whole lot more than I spent. When I buy a classic car on CraigsLIst, for example, a classic Nova convertible for $9000 today and sell it for $11,500 tomorrow, minus the expenses to make it happen...that's profit. About $3000 in this scenario. If a restaurant makes in a week's time $15,000, but after all the paychecks and expenses are covered...expenses accrued are $15,900...you barely made a payroll...you didn't make any money. In fact, you aren't considered a "businessman or businesswoman". You don't deserve to continue on if you can't make profit. Close...the...doors. Try something else.
Learn to live with the fact, ladies and gentlemen. All these businesses that you thought were big and great, really when the curtain of reality is pulled...ponzi schemes on a worldwide stage.
Genetically-Modified doesn't make money. Hasn't for decades. Ford...Chrysler...Honda and Toyota have been taking their candy like babies. Circuit City filed for bankruptcy. How come Best Buy didn't? They sell the exact same thing. Think Best Buy is just making a payroll? Hmmmmm? Most biz in America cannot make a profit, that's why they incorporate large accounting teams in their structures. Accountants systematically "lie" or cover up reality for investors and customers. It's all make-believe in an attempt to lure bank investiture and drive up stock value...even if it doesn't deserve to be lent to or driven up. Welcome to America, suc***s.
I have access to a large city's parks & rec budget. It's in the tank...but they keep my checks a com'in. How? How does that happen...not enough tax revenue to keep the parks budget afloat, but I the contractor still gets paid? You tell me. That's your assignment for tonight. How does a city budget with major, concrete, definite expenses looming actually pay the freight and get the work done even though there isn't a dime of surplus? Class dismissed.