Hello, I just read your blog and it really hit home with me. I know you messaged this a couple of months ago, so hopefully you come back here to this site. Long story short, I had mirena about a month and then starting having horrible anxiey, fear, fatigue, some depression, hot/cold flashes, the list goes on. Anyhow, I got mirena taken out! It has been almost 4 weeks now and I do feel better, but not 100% bettter. I wanted to rule some things out so I got blood work done to test my thyroid and hormones. The thyroid test came back hypo! And now I am looking side effects from that up and am finding that I fit into that category as well with my anxiety! Anyhow, I have an appointment to see the doctor and go over my tests next week and I was just wondering what to expect. Also, any words of wisdom from you I would appreciate! How are you doing now and are you on medication?? I also had a baby just 5 months ago! Was just curious! Thanks and I hope there is hope getting back to 100%!!