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Re: --This forum or a New website with it's own forum--

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Hveragerthi Views: 1,590
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,309,630

Re: --This forum or a New website with it's own forum--

You are really a trip. You want to cry victim when you are really the perpetrator. Ever since I started questioning your dangerous claims and proving your statements wrong you have been basically stalking me on these boards. You seem to have made it your personal mission to seek out my posts just to harass me by lying about me and in essence name calling. Then you run back to YOUR board with your lies and when I try to defend myself with the truth you block me from posting a response or hide my posts. So what are you so afraid of that you have to play these childish games?

You have even made reference several times to scaring me off. Why are you making this your mission? Because I keep exposing your fraudulent claims? Is this why you have been seeking out my posts on other boards so you can attack my character? Am I that much of a threat to your massive and fragile ego?

You asked me to provide evidence of my claims and I did. I asked the same of you and you ignore me or tell me that your testimonials are evidence when they are not. So I asked you to answer questions like why would we die if we removed all of the carbonic acid from our systems and you refuse to answer. Proof that you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Instead you babble on with pseudoscientific ramblings that make no sense. For instance your claim that it is acid that causes the muscles to contract. When I asked you then why it is that muscles exposed to acid, such as the stomach and uterus, are not in a constant state of contraction. According to what you claim this should be the case, and this means we cannot digest our foods, women cannot give birth or even have an orgasm. All because the acids these muscles are exposed to should be causing these muscles to stay contracted, and therefore the muscles cannot relax to allow the movement needed for digestion and birthing. Being that these muscles being exposed to acid are contracting and relaxing despite being exposed to an acidic environment this basically proves you are WRONG!!! Yet you will not admit to being wrong. Instead you seek out my posts on other boards for the sole purpose of slamming me then running to hide.

And you did not even understand the concept of a TENS unit even though you used it in your claim to attempt to prove your claim, which again failed. And I loved your comment about whether or not calcium is in the electrical charge that causes muscle contractions. Just more proof that you do not have clue of how the human body works. Why don't you try researching how neurotransmitters work before making any more stupid statements like that one.

Since we were talking about electrical impulses and muscle contractions I have another question for you, which I am sure you will also ignore since it proves you wrong. If muscle contraction is caused from acid in the lymphatic system, instead of calcium like all science and medicine has proven to be the case, then how come muscle tissue removed from the body can still be made to contract with an electrical charge? It is not exposed to any acid from the lymphatic system as you claim is the cause of muscle contraction. So how can this be? I eagerly await your answer to this one. And all the other questions you have been ignoring.

If you want to keep acting like a cyber bully then some people will fight back to defend themselves against your lies and attacks. That is cause and effect!!!


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