Re: re: six months and cancer is gone
Cancer has three causes. Chemical poisoning, parasites and radiation. You eliminate any one or more of those three things and the cancer CAN'T exist. Cause and effect.
It's NORMAL to be healthy.
They've got everyone thinking disease are independent of having any cause. Not so... Like everything else in this universe the cause and effect principles apply. Here's a repost of the "Time" article that explains how healing happens.
TIME, It’s going to take some TIME.
It’s frustrating. Why aren’t I getting healthy? Why don’t I feel better? I’ve been taking this product for a week now. I’ve done 2-3 liver decongestions. I’ve been on the antiparasite stuff for almost a month now. Why don’t I feel better???
You’ve been brainwashed. You’ve been taught to expect instant results. You’ve been taught to expect instant symptomatic relief. What’s that old commercial?? How do you spell relief???
Well, if that’s all you want, the drug chemicals will give you some relief. But there’s ALWAYS a kickback with the drugs. Always hurt you in some other way. Of course eventually they’ll kill you – but you’ll die symptom free - won’t feel a thing.
Now, if you’re in pretty good shape all you’ll need is some good cleaning and some good nutrition, maybe an adjustment or two, but if you’re seriously ill, and have been for a considerable length of time, it’s going to be a while before you start feeling better And in fact, will probably feel a bit worse before you start feeling better. Not a very good selling point is it?
Here’s why: True healing is NOT symptom relief. It’s the acquisition of cellular health.
Health HAS to be accomplished on a cellular level and it takes some time to even get to the cellular level to give the cells the correct environment to heal and then reproduce at their “normal” healthy levels.
It comes down to cellular reproduction.
Cells need the correct environment to multiply normally???
Q. What controls the cellular environment? A. The blood and lymphatics.
Q. What controls the environment of the blood and lymphatics? A. The liver and colon.
So, if you want to truly get healthy you have to start at the colon and liver. A far cry from the cells. And it can take a considerable amount of time just to get the colon and liver fully functional before the cellular environment improves enough to allow cellular cleaning and healthy cell reproduction. No symptomatic relief here folks. It’s gonna take some time.
So we get to work cleaning the colon out. We get to work cleaning the liver out. Once that is accomplished the blood gets all shiny and clean, and with the colon on line you actually absorb all that good nutrition you’ve been eating. Thus the cellular environment is now clean and well nourished which allows “normal” cellular reproduction.
Ah-ha, not quite done with feeling bad yet though
The first thing any cell in the body does when getting healthy is clean itself out. It gets rid of all those poisons you’ve been putting in there for years and years. It’s called the detox phenomenon and it’s NOT a fun thing to go through. Especially if you’ve had prolonged medical treatment with all their poisonous drugs.
The longer you’ve been on the drugs the more concentrated the drugs are within the cell. If every cell in your body were to eliminate all the poisons it has accumulated all at once it would indeed kill you. So the body only releases what the liver can handle to eliminate at any one time. Thus, the detox phenomenon can last a prolonged period of time. And because those poison are being released from the cells you do NOT feel good as long as those poisons are in your blood. Thus, some good detox tea is in order and lots of fruit.
Once the cells are clean and the nutrition is getting through to the cells, each time the cell multiplies and the new cell takes over it’s healthier than the previous one. Then, and only then does your overall health start to improve.
Now there are times along the way where you do feel better for a while. When the parasites are gone, or getting gone, you feel considerably better. No more panic attacks and you can sleep for a change. When the liver gets decongested the brain fog goes away, you can think clearer, you feel lighter. And when all that accumulated crud comes off the colon wall you’ll feel better for a time.
But true health won’t happen until the cells multiply at a higher level of health than the previous cells. And even then that takes a while so your health comes back over a period of time. It literally CAN’T happen overnight.
So you don’t measure your progress up the ladder of health on a day-to-day basis you measure it on a month-to-month scale or even six months to six months. Even going back to last year or five years ago. Do your comparisons on that scale not the day-to-day scale.
If you’re in pretty good shape, have no major ailments, it shouldn’t take that long to get healthy. A month or two. But if you’ve been sick for a prolonged period of time and been fed all those drugs for all those years it’s going to take a while and you aren’t going to like it.
Fortunately it’s a once in a lifetime deal. You only have to do this once. By the time you’ve been through it you’ll know enough so you never allow yourself to be poisoned again. You’ll know how to stay clean, you’ll know what your specific nutritional requirements are, you’ll know HOW to be healthy. That’s important, That’s big.
Time, yeah, it’s going to take some time.
Dr. Kenneth R. Sutter II