Thank you for sharing such interesting parts of your faith. So much of Islam is presented in a very negative and frightening way by the media that it is easy to forget the very real people who practice the faith. Do you do a total fast or do you fast during the day and eat at night? I once worked with a young Moslem and remember him calling and saying he would be late for work because he had fasted all day and wanted a sandwich as soon as the sun set.
I hate to see so much division, distrust, and lack of respect among people of both our faiths. I am as committed to Christianity as you are to Islam, yet I feel you are a real friend. One thing the Bible teaches very strongly (and many of us ignore completely) is that we are not called to be judges of one another. God the Father the the ultimate judge, and only He knows not only our words and actions, but our very hearts. You appear have a beatiful and generous heart and I am thankful for the opportunity to know you and to learn from you. May your holidays (holy days) be full of joy, peace and serenity.