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Healing stress-induced brain damage and living life in the now.
nordskoven Views: 8,829
Published: 17 y

Healing stress-induced brain damage and living life in the now.

May God grant us His every blessing of mercy and grace. Life must be a process of prayer first, then work, ORA ET LABORE, "pray and work" as St. Benedict counseled. Interior formation aligning one's self to the will of the infinite, loving Creator; and acting upon this inspiration; that is the path to healing.

Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands that can cause temporary brain fog and reversible brain damage to the hippocampus. Damage to the hippocampus lowers the stress response threshold that releases cortisol that damages the hippocampus... Stop the circular hormone cascade that makes it harder to stay calm, makes it harder to learn, harder to sleep, and easier to be fat.

Quit thinking. It is a discipline that must be actively pursued. We know when to use our rational mind as needed, not when triggered by emotional upset. Stay in the moment, our interface with eternity and divine power. Eckhart Tolle has "Now" books and audio aids to stop thinking. Even more effective, and available as a free download at
is the Foundation of Human Understanding observation meditation. Eyes closed and "viewing" the mind's eye, little flashes of colored lights, one commands one's attention to focus on sensing one's hands. When images come up in the mind's eye, just notice them, and command one's attention back to the hands. This will bring up the subconscious trauma and resolve issues in the light as they are observed, yet the attention is brought back to the moment. It is quite powerful in stepping away from the emotional merry-go-round and building up what has been broken by the re-sensing, or resentment, of negative emotions.

Diet is important. Feed the Hippocampus with phosphatidyl choline supplements or gently-cooked organic egg yolks and thinking will be clearer, sleep will come easier. Adrenal hypervigilance depletes the ability to respond with emotional resilience. Feed the adrenals with: high-quality fats, like a good organic ribeye steak every week; oils, like mercury-free fish oils, olive oil, but no flax seed oil that blocks Iodine uptake to the thyroid; and mineral salts, as from Sea Salt and kelp. Avoid adrenal stressors like: sugar, including high-sugar fruits; toxic fats like fried food and hydrogenated oils like margarine; nicotine; and avoid loud noises, including raucous music.

Females need to take the KETO-7 form of DHEA as needed as this form of the adrenal hormone will not change into other hormones or tend to lower women's voices if taken often. The KETO-7 form of DHEA will relieve anxiety from stress twenty minutes after taking it. Women can take low doses of regular DHEA as needed, like 5-10mg. This can reverse anxiety attacks quickly. DHEA is a powerful hormone but take it only as needed so the stress-weakened adrenals don't downregulate their production of DHEA even further. Consider taking R-Lipoic Acid to protect brain tissue and remove heavy metals that accelerate free radical oxidation. R-Lipoic Acid (not Alpha Lipoic Acid) is particularly useful in Asperger's Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder, people who tend towards narcissism and feeling a little dissociated. This is aggravated by mercury poisoning and this out-of-it feeling can lead to the abused becoming abusers of self and others as they try to feel "alive" by feeding on adrenaline stress.

Do engage in hippocampus-building learning. This will repair the brain damage caused by cortisol release, whether from the initial "real" abuse or recalling/re-sensing the stress. Cortisol-induced brain damage is crippling, and is why the push to legalize sex with children by lowering the age of consent, initiated in the fifties by "sexologist" Alfred Kinsey (who, incidentally, died from the effects of habitually hanging himself by his testicles) conforms to the abuser agenda, not science. Kinsey's research interpreted the cries, vomiting and convulsions of molested infants and children as a pleasure response. These are, of course, stress responses that induce brain damage even in infants who are theorized to forget abuse because cortisol is released. Babies can get double-dosed by cortisol if mom is stressed out while they are in the womb. It is not psychology, it is metabolic chemistry.

The Stockholm Syndrome of identification with the abuser is a natural response for both sexes and the ground of being can be restored with the Foundation of Human Understanding observation meditation. Women are particularly at risk because besides the Stockholm Syndrome of appeasing/identifying with the abuser as a survival tactic; and the fight-or-flight adrenal/cortisol response; they have a nurturing response in times of stress. The cortisol-poisoned brain has lost reasoning faculties and the ability to respond in a measured fashion to real-time and re-sensed stress. In women, the nurturing response and identification with the abuser Stockholm Syndrome along with cortisol brain damage can add up to staying with the abuser to attempt to nurture this broken soul even though their life is at risk.

It is vital to follow the pray and work protocol that stops the emotional cortisol flood and attendant brain damage, together with a lifestyle and diet that supports adrenal health. That means planning meals, and pro-actively engaging in mental and physical discipline, like the observation meditation and mild, daily exercise. The large muscle groups, legs and arms, use up cortisol most quickly. But the body can upregulate cortisol with excessive exercise, and a day without exercise can leave cortisol levels high, enhancing pain in body and brain. A little exercise daily is ideal.

Refuse to identify with a life condition, and bring out the best in yourself and others by praying and working, i.e., meditating and acting in your highest interest. Be patient and forgiving of self and others as the healing restores vigor and joy. In all things give thanks; and thank God for granting us His every blessing of mercy and grace. Stay in the moment. There is no past, no future, just God's refuge of the eternal now.


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