Re: HOW can I get my stomach down?
Hi Michaela:)
Well, I am afraid the only way to make ur stomach smaller and more flat is to take care of ur body and HEALTH. U need to loose weight and WITHOUT going into extremes. No fasting, no dieting, no restriction of ur calorie intake to the ridiculous. I can assume you could have an eating disorder of some sort if u put on weight so much (but I do not want to label you, I just assume). I will post u a link which could be just partly related to u (if not just ignore it). I can't advice u anything (other than healthy eating and exercise) coz I simply don't know ur story. I just hope u can derive some important information for urself.
If u have problems with sugars then u COULD have deficiency of Chomium.
Plus, massaging the area around ur stomach also could help ur skin to 'shrink' better.
Do not be upset with yourself, LOVE yourself despite anything:) Ur soul and personality is much much more valuable and precious and body COULD be sorted out with time and patience:)
You will get there. I believe. U?
Many blessings,
Also if u posted to this forum then you could find this link helpful as well: