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Re: Looking for proof of natural healing
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Published: 17 y
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Re: Looking for proof of natural healing

Those little stones weren't the olive oil you drank. The oil passes right though. If olive oil made little green stones you'd see them every time you ate olive oil.

Just keep going.

What are your symptoms??? You may want to try a different antiparasite product. Go with Clarks original products see if that works for you. Or Humaworm. or "Clear". Or you may not be taking enough of the DeWormer.

After playing around with the recommended dosages for 2 1/2 years I decided to triple and quadruple the dosages and that's when I got rid of that main infestation. Took a little over three months though and you can bet I did NOT feel good through the whole thing. And that was with NO liver flushes. They didn't start in earnest until the following year.

So it depends on how sick you are. If very sick for an extended length of time stick with the program and experiment with different products or a combination of several products and the dosages.

There's days even now where I'll take 6-8 big gulps of DeWormer just to make sure. Damn bugs - gotta keep em gone.

And besides what are your options??? Could always go to your local medic and get some drugs. Get all those good chemicals floating around in you. Does that work???

The answers to your health problems lie somewhere in Natural Healing. It IS possible to return to normal and if you really think about it, I mean really contemplate this, you'll discover there really isn't any other way to go.

You've got Natural Healing and you've got chemical poisoning - Your choice.

Sure it takes some time. I'll be posting why a little later on today.



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