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Need Help! Male Yeast Infection (I think)
The Ronin Views: 971
Published: 16 y

Need Help! Male Yeast Infection (I think)


I hope all you guys/gals are doing well. Well here is my story, I'm a 23 year old male who is having problems with what I think is a yeast infection. Ok well I had sex with my wife about lets say 5 months ago, she gave me a yeast infection. The Symptoms are: Red/Purple spots on the head on my penis. In the center it looks iritated and on the top there are like 50 little red spots. It came out about 2 days after we had sex. So I went to the doctor and she told me it was a yeast. Gave me Nysatin Cream and Flucanzole pill and it went away in like 2 weeks. Ok like 2 months passed and we had sex again (we have been having trouble and thats why we have been taking long to make love) and the same thing happend same symptoms and all. I still had some cream so I started using it and nothing.. so I went to the doc and he gave me another flucanzole pill and another cream. Nothing I still have the same symptoms. The funny thing is that it comes and goes in like days time. It is only noticable when I take a shower and clean it. I went to another doc and he said that he didn't see anything so he refered me to a Urologits. The Urologist told me that I was exagerating and it looked like iritation, his advice was to clean my penus with Baking Soda and water and gave me a Monistat cream. I did that for like 2 weeks and nothing same symptoms so I went to a derm. The derm told me that he didn't see anything and he though I was developing Sebahoric dermatitis on my penus. Gave Lotrizome cream and told me to dip my penis in a cup of water mixed with vinager. I have been doing this for like 3 days or so but what do you guys think it is? Once again they bacically look like frekles on my penus they are redish or like purplish. They can be seen clearly in water but when penus is dry it looks normal. Help me out!!!!!!!!!!!

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