Thanks pepe! Excellent post! The longest I have gone is 21 days (MC and juice). At this point I am observing my eating patterns and my habit of emotional eating. When I am cleansing, I cannot stuff myself with food whenever I am bored, or unconsciously don't want to deal with emotions that are bubbling to the surface. It's tough but instead of eating, I am just observing the emotion that arises and letting it go. It's amazing! Some are easier than others but I am patient and letting what happens happen. As I get deeper into the cleanse I look forward to taking on the role of the "observer" more and more. Cleaning out the toxins in my body is one reason I cleanse twice a year, and the spiritual aspect of it. It's always an interesting journey! I don't even weigh myself, so loosing weight and fitting into my old clothes is just an added bonus! If everyone got on the "cleansing wagon" the world would be a much more peacful and aware place.