22 y
Re: Clarkia+CoQ10
>So, i'm supposed to take
Clarkia first, then when i finish that take CoQ10, correct?
It's correct!
>Has anyone here used
Clarkia ?
>Is 2 bottles supposed to be enough (8 weeks)?
Yes! But for some people,
Clarkia is too strong (causing headaches or stomach pain), and they had to take less in which case 2 bottles can last longer.
Clarkia can be used to treat common cold. Take one drop in your mouth every 1 hour. Also, twice a day, take one drop in each ear. Expect burning feeling! Burning feeling is over after 5 min.
Clarkia can also be used to treat yeast infection of genital organs. Can be used concentrated, or deluted with water (from 1:1 to 1:5)
If it burns too strong, wash it away with water.
Burning feeling usually lasts only 1 - 10 min.
When doing enema, you should add 10 - 30 drops of Clarkia in enema water (first water), but make sure that you add probiotics in last water!