Silly gal - I am far, far from being "the" health guru. I know a pretty good amount about some things - like cancer and longevity for example, a bit about others, keep learning more every day, have some good reference books and files and I know Google very well.
Yes, I do try to put healing above personal gain and take a bit of pride in that. On the other hand, as you well know, we are looking to find ways to make a modest income without having to push products that people may not need or benefit from. And I think there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it will not be another dang train! lol
One thing you can be sure of - if you come to one of my forums and seek advice, you can be sure that I am not going to just look for products I can sell you and make money from. I am going to try to find the answer you need and point you in what I hope is the right direction if I cannot help as well as I would like (or believe that others are better qualified to help a particular situation). And if I do recommend a product I am affiliated with, it is because I genuinely believe it may have value in addressing whatever the situation is that needs help.