I know MH has made a couple posts about me working out here now. I thought I would just say hello and introduce myself.
I have been learning and practicing with MH since I was 17, and have worked part time for him and Brenda from the past four years. Mostly doing all the behind the scenes paperwork. I also did about 30+ books so far that some of you have gotten to read. I have a little boy who is a little over 2yrs old now. I, of course, went through my whole pregnancy with herbs and have raised him on nothing else.
I remember one of the very first times I met MH and started learning about these methods. I begged him to just let me come out and read all of his books and work beside him to learn. Now here I am, privileged to be here everyday.
I've had the chance to speak with some of you already and I'm looking forward to getting to know more of you in the future.
I'm sure I won't even come close to knowing all of the answers to your quesetions but I will do my best to get an answer for you!
You can all look forward to the future with MH too. Now that I am here to do all the "dirty work" he can spend his time coming up with all kind of new and exciting formulas for us all to try!