well for me, when i had the mirena taken out almost everything stopped pretty quick. except for my dizzy spells, i think it took about 7 to 10 months for them to completly go away. towards the end of me having the mirena, i was getting light panic attacks. or i thought so anyways, and my heart would feel funny sometimes. and now a yr. later, i get them all of the time. i'm not sure if it's from the mirena, but i know that it caused me a lot of stress and health problems. i wish i never got it. my life was miserable with it! i went to the ER, last week and told the dr. when i started noticing these attacks and all of the problems i had with the mirena and she said that there were a lot of people coming in and complaining about it. i don have a permanent scar and bump on my arm from the mirena where i had to get a biopsy, but of course it's fine.