Evolution and I.D. - Part III (A Case for Design)
I almost didn't write this. There are books and websites out there that have made a better case for design than I thought that I could have on this forum. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think of a couple of things that I believe contibutes to I.D. I tried to keep it short.
We can be thankful to the era of information. It is not hard to find evidence in support of Intelligent Design. Intelligent Design is not just based on irreducible complexity. Part of it stems from a fine-tuned universe. There are various books and websites that proclaim examples of this such as “The Case for a Creator” by Lee Strobel and the website below.
So far, the best cases for a fine-tuned universe I have ever read were the Robin Collins and Guillermo Gonzalez interviews in “The Case for a Creator”. The next time you are at a bookstore, find this book and read it.
Here is one quote from the book, “Over the past thirty years or so, scientists have discovered that just about everything in the basic structure of the universe is balanced on a razor’s edge for life to exist.” p. 131
“The Case for a Creator” also addresses theories that refute I.D. such as the Weak Anthropic Principle. It also shows that the multiuniverse theory which is used to explain away the existence of a creator actually calls for a creator.
There is one argument that I may have overlooked in “The Case for a Creator”. It is what I call the Universal Lotto theory. It says that life on earth, although highly improbable, is probable inside a universe with 100 billion galaxies. We just happen to be the recipients of the luck. It seems ironic to me that some people who believe in that theory don’t feel lucky. The problem with this theory is that it hinges on the multiuniverse theory as being valid. Why? You can’t have a fine-tuned earth without the physics that support a fine-tuned universe.
Anyone who has seen the movie, “Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed” has an idea about how complex DNA actually is. It is so complex that the famous author Richard Dawkins sympathized with some sort of creation near the end of the movie.
“Human DNA contains more organized information than the Encyclopedia Britannica. If the full text of the encyclopedia were to arrive in computer code from outer space, most people would regard this as proof of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. But when seen in nature, it is explained as the workings of random forces.” – George Sim Johnson
The overall view shows there are fine-tuned complex life forms on a fine-tuned earth as part of a fine-tuned solar system and its part of a fine-tuned universe. Consider the odds of this happening from chance. You would have to multiply the astronomical odds times the other chances and then times the other chances.
Albert Einstein believed the most important question facing humanity was, “Is the universe a friendly place?” I think the most important question might be, “If you were a gambler, would you bet against those odds?