I like a lot of what Al Sears has to say, but in some areas I am afraid that I have issues with Al.
Take the article you posted. Very good advice for the most part.
But MICROWAVED spinach? You gotta be kidding me!
Also, Al Sears has absolutely no way of making a blanket statement about the eggs in your grocery being safe to eat raw (or in any other form). Forget the inhumane way that chickens are treated in most commercial egg farms - there is no way of knowing what growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides and other contaminants might be found in grocery store eggs. Now I will grant you that the chances of Salmonella from raw grocery store eggs may be miniscule, but Al really should have pointed out that eggs from organically raised free range hens are far, far healthier in many ways - not least of which is higher amounts of brain boosting and protecting omega-3's.