hello, well this started around the age of 12, out of nowhere. it was really bad i would smell like poop everywhere i go but i could never smell it that is the weird part.. life became depressing and it lagged on to high school , it seemed to come off and on in high school and some people would notice and others wouldn't.. i wont get a complaint for months then ill start getting a bunch out of nowhere .. the weird part is my family never has noticed or said anything.. im now 20 and in college and its on and off, and currently just came back.. i don't know what to do i thought i was the only one who had this being cursed by some kind of higher power for making fun of a smelly kid once..i dont want to really go out anymore because im embarrassed and its causing great anxiety. im going to start The Master Cleanse tomorrow for 10 days. any tips will be greatly appreciated and hopefully life changing..what i would do just to smell normal..could i have that plant in me, candia ?