I have rosacea. What exactly does one have to do to get rid of rosacea? Have you ever known anyone to actually get rid of it for good? I can keep it under control by using Prosacea from Walgreens. However, I still have it. My cheeks are still pinker than others and I still will feel a flush occasionally. I do not feel like I can actually get on the ideal diet. I simply don't like vegetables. In order to make them palatable, you have to add things to them that aren't healthy. It is so frustrating to me. I don't mind carrot juice, but it is such a hassle to make and you get so little juice from the carrots even with my champion juicer. I like beans and carrots, but that is about it. I was told if you eat something long enough, you will learn to like it. However, after eating broculli for years, I still don't like it. I tolerate it. I have tried the Lemonade Diet and the 3 days cleanse and the Water Cure and the gallbladder flush. I think my health has improved, but not dramatically. My rosacea remains about the same.