this is the day...
i can see by the posts this morning that the mental change is already starting. now the conservatives will be perpetually bitter and the liberals will be rubbing it in their faces.
much like every other election. as the democrats continue the corporate takeover of the US like the republicans did and as the democrats will gleefully continue and expand the wars that w and his cabal gave us, our only hope is for the disgruntled to take action.
a very small percentage of republicans support bush anymore. yet still the media scared them into a frenzy over an obama win. once the obama presidency starts, how long will it take for the democrats to actually see what will be wrecked by a democrat tyranny?
i guess the biggest joke on the american people is this...the republicans gave us one of the very worst tickets imaginable to improve the image of one of the worst presidencies ever. i can only compare it to the efforts that zero mostell and gene wilder put forth in the movie "the producers". trying to create a broadway musical destined to be unpopular and fold. yet here we are with obama not all that far ahead of this "springtime for hitler" candidate. can anyone see the irony?
the emperor has no clothes. what will it take for the subjects to see it?
well, now that the campaign is over i guess i'll go read somewhere else. have fun trashing each other dems and repubs....