I am glad Jackson Brown came out against the Republican's war mongering. I hope that when the massive change the election brings rips the yoke of government from the claws of the murderous Republicans and hands the reins of power over to the Democrats that the children of the world will benefit. This is my hope. McCain offers 8 more years of wars that will end the hope that America represents in the eyes of world or an Obama President who voted against the war. A Democrat as President and a massive change to a Democratic House and Democratic Senate can finally end the war against women and children. I am not saying they will do it. History may show that Obama and the Democrats are just as thirsty for the blood of women and children as the villainous Republicans have been for the last eight years but there is hope. I hope for the sake of the women and children of the world that hope will win the day over fear. Don't tread on "America's Hope" Barrack Obama and Democratic Congress. I hope America will cease its war mongering and put its troops on the border where they belong. Bring the troops home Barrack and quit sending our children to wars for Corporate profits. Our hope today will carry the day this Tuesday but tomorrow the work begins. The women and children of the world will for a moment breathe a sigh of relief but only a historic determination and grit to end the wars will the people of America's hope stop the murderous march the Republicans have begun. If the Democrats and Barrack Obama fail to end the crushing of the skulls of women and children beneath the heels of America's Jack Boots then God save us from ourselves. The dream that America once was will have ended. Vote for hope today and against the wars.