Exerpt #3...Obama's Fated Stars
With all the controversy over where and when Barak Obama was born, there was one thing, from a purely metaphysical standpoint, that has been completely left out of this debate: What is the TRUE Natal Chart and Horoscope for Barack Obama? Since this fellow might well end up president of the United States, should we not have an in-depth look at the person we will be getting to lead the free world?
This last summer I was accepted to the prestigious Astrological Studies Program at Exeter College at Oxford University, England. Many may recognized Exeter as the Alma Mater of J.R.R. Tolken, was the school Phillip Pullman’s “DARK MATERIALS” trilogy was based on, and, in fact the movie THE GOLDEN COMPASS was shot on campus in what, to my eye, was one of the most beautiful and inspirational
spots on Earth.
It was there I was allowed to study with some of the world’s most prominent astrologers, and most of the students were professional astrologers with fame and reputations in their field in their own right, as both writers and personal astrologers. Professors included Michael Lutin, Bernadette Brady, Joy Boem, Brain James, Rob Hand and many more. People that had written most of the computer software out there with which modern astrology is currently done.
Everyone believed that Barack Obama had the best astrological birth chart for becoming president, but that was ONLY if the election was held on November 4, 2008, and all of them were concerned that the election might not happen at all. They were also concerned that George W. Bush had a stellium in his birth chart that was not going to allow him to give up power easily, and that he might stage an event to postpone or call off the elections completely, instituting martial law and just taking over as dictator of the country.
I felt this was simply paranoid fantasy, and I asked them if they had run birth charts for the COUNTRY to see if there was that kind of disruption in the election process, and none of them had. Of course these were all the same people who had predicted that John Kerry would become president in 2004 and that Hilary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee.
Rob Hand, a serious academic and arguably one of the most famous astrologers in the world, did not deem to fraternize much with us lowly students, so he was difficult at best to have an actual conversation with. When I asked him about whether or not he had looked into the possibility of Obama being born in Kenya he finally admitted that this would mean that any charts or conclusions he cast would be wrong. “But,” he added, “this is just another attempt by the Right-Wing Smear mongers to attack Obama with more lies, because that is what they do…they lie.”
Now Phillip Berg claims to have found Obama’s true birth certificate, has testimony from his paternal grandmother that she witnessed his birth in Kenya and that Obama now claims dual US/Kenyan Citizenship, I corresponded with Mr. Hand again to see if he’d do a new chart based on the new information, figuring I would be offering him a scoop, as it would be the first TRUE chart done. Hand railed that he was “familiar with Rabbi Berg” who was “purely impeachable” and “not to be trusted”
and that he was not interested in the facts or anything I had to show him, “as I refuse to be dragged into this mess!” So, again, Mr. Hand refused to deal with anyone as lowly as myself shouting up at him from the bottom of his ivory tower, did not wish to be bothered by the facts, and has now let his skewed politics blind his academic curiosity.
So, Ladies and Gentleman, I decided to do the chart myself, and what you are seeing is the world’s very first in-depth look at the TRUE astrological birth horoscope of Barak Obama. There are significant differences from the chart cast from the time given from his forged birth certificate in Hawaii. Differences that should be worrisome to anyone about to give this fellow virtually unlimited power.
I have printed his NATAL WHEEL and a look at his Astrochartography charts for America and the Middle East. Astrochartography is the process of taking the planets at the time of birth and stretching their influences out over a world map. This is a fantastic method for predicting earthquakes, natural catastrophes, and, more importantly, for see where a person should live and find the most success in life, business and love. Obama’s Hawaii chart has his MARS LINE of war and aggressive action running right through Iran and Iraq.
The new chart has them running through Pakistan and India. It also crosses Pluto, which means very big trouble, especially now that the US has turned away from Pakistan as an ally and towards India. The new chart also MOVES his sun line AWAY from Washington DC, which would point to it as a place of power and popularity and his election as president, to now having very few lines crossing the USA, which means if he gets in, America will view his election as a gigantic mistake, his popularity will plunge, and he will only serve one term, if he makes it out alive.
Obama also has disturbingly heavy 12th house influences, which points to violent and sudden death, and Aquarius and Uranus aspects, pointing to the large-scale use of nuclear weapons. He has a Taurus moon, just like Bill Clinton, George Bush and yours truly. So he is a pretty smooth talker. But the massive influx of Leo gives him a gigantic ego and makes everything very much about him. It also makes him a magnet for scandal, which will all be rising very soon.
And I have never seen a chart that so closely resembles that of Robert F. Kennedy. Obama ignores this at his peril.
I will let you judge for yourself.